The Cost of Compliance | Pandemic Fueled Mania

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In this video, important concerns are raised about the resistance people often display when admitting they were misled, especially when it comes to polarizing issues like mass vaccination and fluoridation. The discussion highlights potential side effects of mRNA vaccines and critiques the speed at which they were implemented. It emphasizes how many seem to overlook the consequences of COVID-19 measures and vaccine-related problems. The video introduces the concept of “Bio-PsyWar,” a combination of psychological manipulation and biological warfare, and critiques the healthcare industry’s profit-driven motives and lack of accountability for harmful products.

Additionally, the video questions gain-of-function research, the existence of viruses, and the potential for bioweapons. It explores the true cost of compliance, including physical and psychological harm, as well as the erosion of public trust in institutions. The message stresses the importance of critical thinking, independent research, and taking a stand to protect future generations.

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