In this video I discuss the contradictions of the modern “Voluntaryist” and issues within the “freedom movement” (notice the quotes I’m using to describe these fake movements).
An introduction to Within The Stones new Podcast Series, The Creature Of Control.
Welcome to Within The Stones Media Networks first Podcast Series – The Creature of Control. This is a new Podcast Series and your listening to the maiden voyage.
Excerpt From: Psychopath -Full Documentary (Mind of a psychopath) Produced by Rosalind Arden and Written by John Purdie for the Channel Four Television Corporation.
Excerpt from a Chilling speech from Aldous Huxley Aldous Huxley author of Brave New World speaking at U.C. Berkeley in 1962.
Topics that will be covered in this podcast series: – Human Control Systems – Systems that are in place and are attempting to control and subvert human behavior.
Food Control, Education, Government, Mainstream Media, Mandatory Taxation, Mind Control, Brain Imbalance, Ego Attachment, Me Me Me (pure selfishness), Eugenics, Cybernetics, Trans-humanism, Technocracy, Pharmaceuticals and the Pharmacological Attack, Geo-engineering, Social Darwinism, Moral Relativism, Eugenics, Solopsism, Slavery – The absence of Human Freedom, The Occult,
Solutions, Learn who The enemy is and how to deal with it, Natural Law and Natural Law Principles, Free Will, Freedom – Learning and Practicing the Philosophy of Freedom. And then Sharing it with others, Liberty, Sovereignty, Wisdom, Human Nature, The Trivium Method – Method for Truth Discovery, And Many More
Definition of Psychopathy – Definition and Etymology– from The Greek nouns psykhe- “mind” (psyche) + pathos “suffering” (see pathos).
Characteristics of Psychopaths-
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Aggressive, callous and cunning
Complete absence of any sense of guilt or remorse for the harm their actions have caused to others.
Complete absence of conscience and empathy
Very adept at manipulating others, especially emotionally
Willingness to engage in criminal or immoral conduct
Willingness to take what they want and do as they please, regardless of who is hurt or wronged.
Emotionally shallow. Unable to feel the normal range of human emotions.
Deceptive ability to appear outwardly benevolent
Deceptive ability to behave in superficially charming ways to hide purely selfish motives
Willingness to use intimidation and violence to control others in order to satisfy their own needs
Willingness to intentionally violate the basic inherent human rights of others.
Parasitic lifestyle. The don’t create anything and feed off the production of others.
Rationalization of their own immoral behavior.
Will attempt to lay blame upon someone else for their own conduct
Denial – will deny their own wrongdoing outright
Utter contemptuousness toward the feeling and desires of their fellow beings
Pathological lying – will say anything without any concern for truth in order to advance their own hidden agendas.
Many short-term relationships
Ability to feign normal human emotions and empathy
Severely distorted sense of the consequences of their own actions
Total failure to accept any responsibility for their own socially irresponsible ways
Strong belief that they will never be brought to justice for their criminal behavior – This is certainly not the case. They WILL be brought to justice.
“You, seeker of wonder, you, candidate for initiation, do not look into the distance. Gather all your energy within yourself. Forget about India and Tibet. Do not cry out for God, Allah, or Jesus. What you look for is right where you are at this moment. Yes, stop looking toward the outside and bury your sight deeply within yourself. Tune your perceptions, sharpen your senses, and there in the center of your being are you, your “I,” your real essence, the truth behind lies, the immortal energy that gives life to the clay that is you.”