The Struggle For Freedom – Part 1 of Falling Into Movement Traps

This video was produced live on 09/22/2019 and streamed via my various social media platforms.

The Struggle For Freedom is the first in the series, Falling Into Movement Traps. In this series, I will be discussing the issues surrounding the so-called “Freedom Movements” and the contradictions I’ve uncovered from the first-hand experience with these groups. In part 1, we take a deeper look at the struggle and find that there are very important questions regarding mans desire for freedom (or lack thereof).


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Anarchy – The Source of the Legal Matrix

In this video, I talk about how anarchy is the source of the legal matrix.


ANARCHY – [ˈanərkē ] – Noun. A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority: “he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy.” Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. Synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection. Antonyms: government, order.

–Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press

From Merriam Webster’s modern dictionary:

ANARCHY – A situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws. 1a: Absence of government. 1b: A state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority. 1c: A utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government. 2a: Absence or denial of any authority or established order. 2b: Absence of order: disorder – not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature — Israel Shenker> 3: Anarchism.

Examples of ANARCHY:

Anarchy reigned in the empire’s remote provinces.
When the teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the classroom.
Its immigration policies in the last five years have become the envy of those in the West who see in all but the most restrictive laws the specter of terrorism and social anarchy. —Caroline Moorehead, New York Review of Books, 16 Nov. 2006
Origin of ANARCHY: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchoshaving no ruler, from an- + archos ruler — more at arch-.

First Known Use: 1539

Related to ANARCHY: Synonyms: Lawlessness, misrule.

Here is the result of a word search of “anarchy” from the etymology online website (

ANARCHY – 1530s, from French anarchie or directly from Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhia “lack of a leader, the state of people without a government” (in Athens, used of the Year of Thirty Tyrants, 404 B.C., when there was no archon), noun of state from anarkhos “rulerless,” from an- “without” (see an- (1)) + arkhos “leader” (see archon). Either the State for ever, crushing individual and local life, taking over in all fields of human activity, bringing with it its wars and its domestic struggles for power, its palace revolutions which only replace one tyrant by another, and inevitably at the end of this development there is … death! Or the destruction of States, and new life starting again in thousands of centers on the principle of the lively initiative of the individual and groups and that of free agreement. The choice lies with you! [Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921)]

ANARCH – “leader of leaderlessness,” 1660s, a deliciously paradoxical word used by Milton, Pope, Byron; see anarchy.

ANARCHIST – (noun) 1670’s; see anarchy + -ist. The word got a boost into modernity from the French Revolution.

ANARCHISM – (noun) 1640’s; see anarchy + -ism.

ANARCHISTIC – (Adjective) 1845; see anarchy + -istic. Also see anarchic. Related: Anarchistically.

ANARCHIC – (Adjective) 1755, chaotic, without order or rule,” from Greek anarkhos “without head or chief” (see anarchy) + -ic. anarchistic (1845) which tends to refer to the political philosophy of anarchism. An older word in this sense was anarchical (1590s). Anarchial is from 1710; Landor used anarchal (1824).

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Consciously Creating Freedom


This video was produced live on 09/08/2019 and streamed via my various social media platforms.

I also have a new live streaming page you can use to watch the show and call in live to the show:

I also introduced the ability to take live calls to the show via the new Discord server. I will take calls and questions on the air after the end of the official presentations towards the end of the show.


Yĕhovah (Strong’s #H3068) – יְהֹוָה Yᵉhôvâh, yeh-ho-vaw’; from H1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jeho-vah, Jewish national name of God:—Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050, H3069.

Jehovah = “the existing One”
A. the proper name of the one true God.
1. unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of #0136.

“Jehovah, proper name of the supreme God amongst the Hebrews, (etc.) …allusion is made Exodus 3:14; “I (ever) shall be (the same) that I am (to-day);” the name being derived from the verb to be, was considered to signify God as eternal and immutable, who will never be other than SAME. Allusion is made to the same etymology, Hosea 12:6, “Jehovah (i.e.) the eternal, the immutable is his name.” [We have thus the authority of God in His word, that this name is derived from the idea of being, existence, and not from any relics of Egyptian idolatry With this may be compared the inscription of the Saitic temple, Plut. de Iside et Osiride… [This shews (shows) how Pagans borrowed ideas from the true theology of God’s revelation, and NOT that the later borrowed any thing from the former.]…”

Reference: Gesenius’s Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon Old Testament Scriptures

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An Honest Assessment of The Current Human Condition



(The links to my brain model are not meant to be a complete model of anything and is an ongoing work in which I store my thoughts and notes. Nothing in the brain should be taken as truth or my attempt to reveal truth. It’s simply a note taking space)

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Woke Capitalism? Discussing Economics Walk n Talk

In this video I discuss how freedom is not an economic issue.


(The links to my brain model are not meant to be a complete model of anything and is an ongoing work in which I store my thoughts and notes. Nothing in the brain should be taken as truth or my attempt to reveal truth. It’s simply a note taking space)


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(The Brain is not meant to be a complete model of anything and is an ongoing work in which I store my thoughts and notes. Nothing in the brain should be taken as truth or my attempt to reveal truth. It’s simply a note taking space)


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Words Without Action – A Cult of Death

In this video I talk about actions vs words and how to properly focus on what matters. Often times I’ve found that in any “movements” (group thinking, heard-like mentality from cults of action/death) there will be blatant contradictions and fallacies within the movements.

One of the most obvious and commonly used fallacies within any movement is the argumentum ad populum, the logical fallacy most groups come to be guilty of through contradictory axioms which are revealed through false rhetoric and measuring ones works over their words.

We’ll take a section from Wikipedia (not something I’m condoning or deeming as ultimate truth, it’s just a useful link for general information) for a good general idea of what this logical fallacy is:

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for “argument to the people”) is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely encapsulated as: “If many believe so, it is so.”

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, bandwagon fallacy, vox populi,[2] and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum (“appeal to the number”), fickle crowd syndrome, and consensus gentium (“agreement of the clans”). It is also the basis of a number of social phenomena, including communal reinforcement and the bandwagon effect. The Chinese proverb “three men make a tiger” concerns the same idea.

This fallacy is similar in structure to certain other fallacies that involve a confusion between the justification of a belief and its widespread acceptance by a given group of people. When an argument uses the appeal to the beliefs of a group of experts, it takes on the form of an appeal to authority; if the appeal is to the beliefs of a group of respected elders or the members of one’s community over a long period of time, then it takes on the form of an appeal to tradition.

Fiction, flattering titles, and mans legal matrix of nations, governments and legalism are the bars on the cage we’ve collectively created and accepted in our lives (myself included). Although we can spend time describing all the decorations of this prison an dress up our variations of pleading with evil we are extremely ineffective at changing the conditions for the better.

Exiting the matrix is often a struggle that entrenches one worse than they started out. Leaving them maimed and scorned against the unwavering, immutable effects which have been caused by mans ignorance and apathy toward Nature and it’s laws.


(The Brain is not meant to be a complete model of anything and is an ongoing work in which I store my thoughts and notes. Nothing in the brain should be taken as truth or my attempt to reveal truth. It’s simply a note taking space)


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Living Under Voluntary Duress?


In this video I discuss a comment that was made on my Voluntary Slaves post.

The comment is quoted below:

“I still don’t see the contradictions in “voluntaryism”. I see how we always have choices whether to comply or not, but I don’t see how advocating against monopolistic mindsets is contradictory. There is a belief system that monopoly powers are good for society (commonly called “statism”); there is a belief system in the opposite, that such powers shouldn’t be assumed or supported by anyone… and “voluntaryism” is a good word for that.”

Voluntary Slaves. Voluntaryism, the doctrine of master-servant.


In this video I continue to discuss the issues with Voluntaryism and other “Freedom Movements”.

The above video on the Voluntary Slaves is an introduction of sorts to the upcoming series, “Falling In to the Movement Traps”. I’ll be publishing part one of this series soon.

In order to understand why I would title this post, “Voluntary Slaves”, we need to understand what Voluntaryism (or Voluntarism, Volunteerism and so on) really is. Not the fake and misinformed definition of what the libertarian activists think that it means, but what it really means.

In the video and in this brief article I will be bringing forth some of my arguments which I know will ruffle feathers for anyone in the Voluntaryist/Libertarian cults. I have even been associated with these cults in the recent past. Hopefully, I now have a better understanding of what these groups are all about after spending time in and around these movements.

Admittedly, this discussion and commentary is very surface level. In the future I would like to go much further in depth on the voluntary nature of our slavery and the nature of evil in this contract. Evil and destruction act under a mask which we end up condoning and even begging for, “voluntarily”. Of course, there are many things that could be completely voluntary and also maniacally evil.

Voluntaryism provides no shield or resistance in defense of freedom for those who condone and desire their slavery and condone it for you as well. What of those who voluntarily subject themselves to all manner of immoral and degrading behaviors which ultimately end up enslaving the larger society to external control? What if the vast overwhelming majority of people in a society are voluntarily subjecting themselves to forms of external rulership and control? Even if that external control is composed largely of psychopathic, satanic, pedophiles… what if people still voluntarily agree to go along with this system, what then for the “freedom movements”?

As you can clearly see, Voluntaryism is nothing but words. Just air spoken to sooth the inauthentic souls who are lost on their own personal path to freedom.

The reality of Voluntaryism is that it is the doctrine of master-servant, or that of master-slave. Government is a voluntary agency and all citizens of government are voluntarily so. The entire “voluntary society” movement is a misinformed fallacy by definition. What I’ve found is that these groups are basically bunch of children that know nothing about law and how citizenship actually works.

What’s needed is far more than these false “freedom movements” in order construct the conditions of true freedom and prosperity. That being said, I still felt it was worth my time to break down aspects of these movements that I have found to be completely contradictory and thus need to be removed from the general consensus. A naive and foolish endeavor to be sure.

No man acting in a United States person (legal status) or other national citizenship is an involuntary slave, but necessarily and by law is a volunteer. To consent directly or indirectly is to volunteer to the doctrine of master and servant.

That beings said, it’s not required to contract with the government. It’s possible and quite simple to remove your citizenship status. Contracting with the government is completely and 100% voluntary. The argument that there was a gun to my parents head when they signed my birth certificate (a common argument from the Libertarian/Voluntaryist movements) is utterly false. There was also no gun present when I then applied for a drivers license, contracted under a w4, registered my vehicle, purchased property and all other actions which require the use of me acting under my legal name. This was all done voluntarily. The argument that we have been forced into the conditions we’ve created is a lie. We are creating these conditions through our own free will decisions.

If a parent voluntarily signs the ownership of a child over to the government they are not being mugged and forced to do so. They are voluntarily doing this. There is no gun being pointed at the parents and it’s not required to subject the child to being a citizen of the United States.

There is no amount of coercion, financially or otherwise, imposed upon parents which justifies the action to sign a child over to the state and claim that you have involuntarily done so. It is voluntary to consent to be governed and any other claim is a contradiction, misunderstanding, or possibly a lie meant to confuse and control it’s believers. There are plenty of ways to exist outside of this legal contract and it’s not required for life to be a citizen of any nation.

In order to remain a voluntary slave, the child must continue through life operating in the legal fiction which has been created for them. Their own ignorance of these conditions will validate and provide the consent necessary for the government to qualify the behavior as that of its voluntary citizen. Ignorance is not an excuse that nature is going to give us a break on. We will suffer the consequences of our actions regardless of how ignorant or even nescient we were when acted and created these conditions.

There is no guarantee of safety if one chooses to revoke their voluntary citizenship and serve no government. If one chooses to obey only the laws of Nature (Gods law) there is nothing in Nature which provides a guarantee that there won’t be threats or acts of violence conducted against you.

Giving up our freedoms is still a choice regardless of any excuse we want to make as for why we behaved a certain way. Even if there is a gun to your head, which there almost never is, it’s still voluntary how you choose to respond. There is no guarantee that your choice will lead to immediate safety. You know, the whole “liberty or death” sentiment. Even if we are being held in a state of duress we will have the ability to choose how we will respond.

Freedom does not guarantee safety. Putting a feather up your butt does not make you a duck and wearing the label, “Voluntaryist”, doesn’t give anyone the moral high ground. If we are being honest with ourselves, then the truth is that we are all Voluntary Slaves! That’s a hard pill to swallow, especially for those in the “Freedom movements” who would never dare to admit they are really just an ignorant coward. This would at least be honest. We can then provide for this truth by starting from what is real. The real conditions of our servitude is that the chains are loose and can be taken off at any time.

I see the average voluntaryist basically saying “I will say one thing, but act completely different”. It’s a contradiction in itself to claim you are a voluntaryist, but then voluntarily maintain relations that are “non-consensual” by the voluntaryist own definitions.

Voluntaryists will go along paying all manner of taxes and claiming that they pay their taxes under a state of duress. However, what this means is that by definition that are actually not a voluntaryist. It’s a contradiction and you are a slave who does what their master says to do. In other words, you are really a volunteer, but it appears you’ve only begun to understand what this really implies and now are throwing a fit on the floor like a two year old and demanding the relationship which you consented to end. Well, that’s not how it works folks. Reality doesn’t work that way.

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Contradictions in the Secondary Matrix


In this video I continue the discussion regarding the contradictions of the modern “Voluntaryist” and issues within the “freedom movement”.

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