Bio-PsyWar | Commencement of Hostilities

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In the Bio-PSYWAR we continue by breaking down the Commencement of Hostilities of biological weapons research, and why various entities may be interested in creating, harvesting and deploying these weapons on various populations as part of operations that the average person has no idea are happening. That is the aim of the episodes on this topic from is to help shed light on this material and make it more widely known.

There is nothing new being revealed here that’s not already been covered in depth elsewhere. The purpose, at least for this particular episode and series on Bio-PsyWar, is to help uncover some of this information to the people who may not be familiar with this type of research. As has been done for myself, other researchers are able to help point out certain points and sets of information that someone else (like myself) may not be familiar with.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:

See Also:


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Bio-PsyWar | Purpose and Scope

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In the Bio-PSYWAR we begin by covering the Purpose and Scope of biological weapons research, and why various entities may be interested in creating, harvesting and deploying these weapons on various populations as part of operations that the average person has no idea are happening. That is the aim of the episodes on this topic from is to help shed light on this material and make it more widely known.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:

See Also:


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Total PSYOP Awareness

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In the Total PSYOPS Awareness, we discuss PSYOPS in the Gulf War and the “Babies in Incubators” hoax, we well as how the Military uses Psychological Operation, Progenote and Warfare to manipulate various populations. This episode serves as a sort-of introduction into topic as we plan to go further into such in-formation in the future. Thanks you for watching and we’ll be seeing you

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:


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CyberPentagon | Tyler


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In the CyberPentagon, I dive into In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s Venture Capital front, DARPA – The Pentagons Brain, Facebook and it’s connections to LifeLog, Palantir, Peter Theil, The Chiliad Software, and the Maxwell connection, vaccine passports, CyberPolygon.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:


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Getting Ready for Human 2.0 |

Getting Ready for Human 2.0 |

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