Movement Traps | Fallacies in the Truth Movement | Falling into Movement Traps Continued, Part2 | Federal Reserve Mythology

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In this episode I will be going into a continuation of Falling Into Movement Traps with a new series on the Fallacies of the Truth Movement. We will be discussing topics such as, What is Truth? Is Truth Objective? What is a Fallacy? With more focus on Group Think, the Patriot Mythology, the fake solutions, fallacies in Libertarianism and Anarchism, the “Being Awake” crowd and problems with “Truthers” in general.

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Eugenics Ops | Bio-PsyWar

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Part of the ongoing coverage of the Bio-Psywar.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:

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The Federal Reserve is NOT Privately Owned | Fallacies in the Truth Movement

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Today, we continue the discussion regarding various fallacies in the “truth and freedom movement”. Mainly, I begin breaking down the common Patriot Mythology of the Federal Reserve System. One of the most frequent things you’ll hear when people discuss the economic system in regards to the “truth and freedom movement” is that the Federal Reserve is privately owned.

This misconception is peddlers as a reason why we need to “wake up” and that somehow if we can “fix” the economic system, that this will lead to true human freedom.

This is just another example of many in which the narrative is distorted, the peddlers of “truth” are mainly pedaling their own products, and in the end they don’t have the facts straight in their “movement for freedom”. Drunk in the Kool-Aid to such a degree that they refuse to look into the actual facts of the matter. Leading the hopeless masses in these movements down yet another garden path.

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Taxation is Voluntary

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Bioreactor Build

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Join me in this video as I build a bioreactor from scratch! Watch step-by-step as I assemble it, sharing tips and tricks for composting effectively. From setting up the materials to the final assembly, you’ll see how easy and rewarding it is to create your own compost system. Perfect for anyone looking to boost their gardening game!

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The Cost of Compliance | Pandemic Fueled Mania

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In this video, important concerns are raised about the resistance people often display when admitting they were misled, especially when it comes to polarizing issues like mass vaccination and fluoridation. The discussion highlights potential side effects of mRNA vaccines and critiques the speed at which they were implemented. It emphasizes how many seem to overlook the consequences of COVID-19 measures and vaccine-related problems. The video introduces the concept of “Bio-PsyWar,” a combination of psychological manipulation and biological warfare, and critiques the healthcare industry’s profit-driven motives and lack of accountability for harmful products.

Additionally, the video questions gain-of-function research, the existence of viruses, and the potential for bioweapons. It explores the true cost of compliance, including physical and psychological harm, as well as the erosion of public trust in institutions. The message stresses the importance of critical thinking, independent research, and taking a stand to protect future generations.

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The Real Collapse

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In this episode, we delve into the deeper issue behind the perceived collapses of the world—the economy, the climate, and even society. While many focus on these external crises, the real collapse is within. It’s a collapse of consciousness, morality, and our connection to Nature and its laws.

We expose how the “truth” and “freedom” movements are often distractions, filled with false gurus peddling quick fixes, tax evasion schemes, and fear of centralized digital currencies (CBDCs). Falling into these traps only perpetuates the disconnection from our true nature and the principles that guide human life.

This episode challenges you to rethink the true crisis of our time: not the collapse of external systems, but the internal collapse of human awareness and values.

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What are you doing?

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Friends in the “Truth” and “Freedom” movements (which are really nothing of the sort and are usually antithetical to Truth and Freedom), please stop promoting this total scam and fraud of a “508c1a faith based organization”.

To put it simply, a 508c1a doesn’t exist. It is a section of the tax code for existing 501c3s.
This is a fraud and is being promoted heavily in these “movements” as a way to avoid paying taxes and protect your assets.

I’ve looked into this thoroughly, and confirmed that this is total bull shit nonsense and it’s clear that those who are falling for it are being delusional idiots or even intentionally scaming others to sell the course or products surrounding this fraudulent garbage.

“508c1a faith based organizations” are a complete and total scam.
It’s getting more and more popular because people in the “Truth” and “Freedom” movements are usually gullible and not able to critically go through information.

Being just a section of the tax code for already established 501c3s, there is no such thing as a “508c1a faith based organization”.

I’m seeing more and more of this out there, and the folks buying it are acting like they are having some sort of spiritual revelation or finding Jesus because they figured out how to scam the IRS and not have to pay taxes on income. I’m all for mitigating tax risk, but this is NOT the way to do it.

508c1a doesn’t exist. It is a section of tax code for existing 501c3s.

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Movement Traps | Fallacies in the Truth Movement | Falling into Movement Traps Continued, Part 1

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In this episode I will be going into a continuation of Falling Into Movement Traps with a new series on the Fallacies of the Truth Movement. We will be discussing topics such as, What is Truth? Is Truth Objective? What is a Fallacy? With more focus on Group Think, the Patriot Mythology, the fake solutions, fallacies in Libertarianism and Anarchism, the “Being Awake” crowd and problems with “Truthers” in general.

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Liberty Lifestyle | Updates

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In this episode I’ll discuss recent updates.

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