Mind Control in Media


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The human mind is highly malleable and so is the human condition. As a programmable organism, if you want to use that terminology, we can be controlled and our perceptions manipulated and deceived. This practice has been done for thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands of years (or more, possibly..?).

The thing about our perception is that we really don’t know a lot about this planet or the history of it and our part in its history. However, one thing we do know, even just based on what we can go out and witness in the modern-day, is that people are highly conditioned by their upbringing and surroundings. In that upbringing, there’s a generation or multiple generations now of people that have been brought up in the technocratic, cybernetic control grid.

The Media, being a reflection of our own entrainment into a window of controlled reality in which our perceptions of reality can easily be formed and manipulated.

In modern times, there has been a massive amount of engineering and a plethora of techniques that have created models of utility to make individuals conform to corporations, governments, militaries, to authority, to white lab coats, to people with flattering titles, and so on. “He’s a lawyer”, “he’s a doctor”, “she’s a doctor.” These titles of which “authority figures” in our lives that we should listen to. 

In the upcoming series on Mind Control, we will cover the belief in, and appeal to authority as being a logical fallacy. However, we will also go into basic methods of mind control in the media and talking about things like frequencies, colors, and fear and really drill down into basic methods that are used in manipulation through media and topics such as groupthink and collectivism.

Another walk-n-talk I did a back a few months ago called End Mind Control in Media – End Slavery also covers some of what we’re talking about here, with ending slavery. It’s not like I’m claiming to be some victim of a nonconsensual arrangement because I’m too dumb, weak, and powerless. Rather, it’s an exploration into the psychology of mind control and the current human condition.

What we are talking about is mental, psychological slavery. It’s in the mind. 

God is the Universe. Everything you see, everything that we know, everything that is in the Universe is Mind. One mind unfolding itself through the All. It’s not like we’re all the same and “one”. We are all part of the All and focusing on the fact that Mind is at the center we can then extrapolate out from there. 

This is a starting point that I’m claiming, and it could be argued. The other side of this argument would be Materialism. It’s an argument against mind and spirit. However, when you’re experiencing the mind and you’re even asking yourself about the mind, well, what’s the question, and who or what is asking it?

Who is it asking? Right, there is a mind. There is a dualism principle in operation, and in the Mind Control series, we’ll go into dualism and the dualistic aspect to reality. If it is unconscious to us, then that can be another form of leverage used to manipulate human beings.

Thus, we need to study the mind. We need to study how the mind generates reality, how creation works, because we’re a part of it.

This is obviously a massive point of interest and study, that our minds can be controlled.


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If you’d like to check out the live stream from 08/30/202 that youtube took down twice, you can view it here: The Unmutual | Live Stream.

Although, I agree that the tech giants such as Youtube or Facebook are anti-human, anti-free speech, pushing a new-world order, technocratic agenda… I also don’t agree with the sentiment that the big-tech censorship is the main issue with peoples voices not being heard.

What I address in the walk-n-talk is the issue of Self-Censorship. Yes, self-censorship could be a good thing in some cases. I personally strive to be my true and open self in most cases, but there are times that being fully open may not suit the situation.

There are also times when we must speak out. We are living one of those times now. We have all the tools necessary to let our voices be heard, regardless of all the censorship that does occur on these main-stream platforms. If there’s a will, there’s a way. In today’s world, this is ever more true.

If we end up holding ourselves back from reaching our potential and are afraid to speak up, we are mentally enslaved to the fear of what society, our friends, and families may think of us. “What if I say something silly”, “what if I sound dumb, or am wrong about the facts”… or an endless amount of other negative self-talk that can go on.

One way to work through the issue of over-active Self-Censorship behavior is to practice speaking and working with others to practice their abilities to communicate. Currently, Benny Wills is building a course in the University of Reason called Parrhesia. The Parrhesia course helps people to free their speech, and “Be Undeniable”, as Benny would say.

If you’d like to get a preview of what the University of Reason has to offer, check out the Autonomy AppeTEASER Course. It’s a free, value-packed offer to help you learn your way to a more thriving and prosperous life, and Free Your Speech! Working with Benny has been amazing and the course he offers is just one of the many amazing features available when attending the University of Reason.


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The Unmutual | Live Stream


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What are Your Principles?


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What are your principles? Simple enough question, isn’t it?

I’ll include an excerpt here from the Infogalactic page on Principle:


A principle is a law or rule that has to be, or usually is to be followed, or can be desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature or the way that a system is constructed. The principles of such a system are understood by its users as the essential characteristics of the system, or reflecting system’s designed purpose, and the effective operation or use of which would be impossible if any one of the principles was to be ignored….

Examples of principles are descriptive comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption, the normative rule or code of conduct, and the law or fact of nature underlying the working of an artificial device.

As cause The principle of any effect is the cause that produces it.
Depending on the way the cause is understood, the basic law governing that cause may acquire some distinction in its expression.

Below we can find the Websters 1828 definition of Principle:

PRIN’CIPLE, noun [Latin principium, beginning.]

1. In a general sense, the cause, source or origin of any thing; that from which a thing proceeds; as the principle of motion; the principles of action.
2. Element; constituent part; primordial substance.
Modern philosophers suppose matter to be one simple principle or solid extension diversified by its various shapes.
3. Being that produces any thing; operative cause.
The soul of man is an active principle
4. In science, a truth admitted either without proof, or considered as having been before proved. In the former sense, it is synonymous with axiom; in the latter, with the phrase, established principle
5. Ground; foundation; that which supports an assertion, an action, or a series of actions or of reasoning. On what principle can this be affirmed or denied? He justifies his proceedings on the principle of expedience or necessity. He reasons on sound principles.
6. A general truth; a law comprehending many subordinate truths; as the principles of morality, of law, of government, etc.
7. Tenet; that which is believed, whether truth or not, but which serves as a rule of action or the basis of a system; as the principles of the Stoics, or of the Epicureans.
8. A principle of human nature, is a law of action in human beings; a constitutional propensity common to the human species. Thus it is a principle of human nature to resent injuries and repel insults.
PRIN’CIPLEverb transitive To establish or fix in tenets; to impress with any tenet, good or ill; chiefly used in the participle.
Men have been principled with an opinion, that they must not consult reason in things of religion.
1. To establish firmly in the mind.

When we define a principle in which we wish to align our behavior and thus live according to the ethics deduced using logic and reason to explain or predict causality in regards to the principle discovered, there may be contradictions that are possible to ignore or explain away. However, if we are also incorporating the classic law of noncontradiction, it becomes evident when analyzing our own behavior or the behavior of others that it’s not so easy to explain away the glaringly obvious contradictions on many forms of ones proposed ethical philosophy.

Below, you can find a recording of Derrick Broze reading Chapter 2 from the Holistic Self-Assessment on Principles.


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Hidden in Plain Sight | Live Stream


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Distributed Eugenics


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Unprecedented Excuses


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Tyler Bloyer Interview with Mike Pendergast

In this interview, Rod Williams and I have a round table discussion with our special guest, Michael Pendergast. We are also joined by other members from the University of Reason platform.


Other Recent Interviews:

Worldview Paradigms

Today, I ask the question, how much of your worldview is something you’ve accepted without question? Something that’s been given to you by your upbringing, by your environment, and by people around you when you were younger and their habitual patterns? Have you accepted a worldview without judgment or critical analysis?


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Self-Mastery of the Internal Tyrant

Fromm - Escape from Freedom

Fromm - Anatomy of Human Destructiveness


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