Bio-PsyWar | Tick-Tok Bio-Op

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In the todays episode of the Bio-Psywar we begin to unfold the Tick-Tok Bio-Op in biological weapons research. Is there a connection to Lyme disease and the US Militaries biologicals weapons research on ticks? What can we learn from some of the information available to the public about the possibility that the US Government could hold some or a large majority of the responsibility for weaponizing ticks and causing thousands and thousands of people to become chronically ill?

We will not conclude this study in today’s episode, but rather we will continue to weave the tapestry of the Bio-Psywar and hope to help gain more clarity in our world of potential misuse and intentional release of BW agents by state or malicious non-state actors.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:

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Bio-PsyWar | Strategic Psychological Operations

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In the Bio-PSYWAR we continue by breaking down the Strategic Psychological Operations of biological weapons research, and why various entities may be interested in creating, harvesting and deploying these weapons on various populations as part of operations that the average person has no idea are happening. That is the aim of the episodes on this topic from is to help shed light on this material and make it more widely known.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:

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Bio-PsyWar | Commencement of Hostilities

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In the Bio-PSYWAR we continue by breaking down the Commencement of Hostilities of biological weapons research, and why various entities may be interested in creating, harvesting and deploying these weapons on various populations as part of operations that the average person has no idea are happening. That is the aim of the episodes on this topic from is to help shed light on this material and make it more widely known.

There is nothing new being revealed here that’s not already been covered in depth elsewhere. The purpose, at least for this particular episode and series on Bio-PsyWar, is to help uncover some of this information to the people who may not be familiar with this type of research. As has been done for myself, other researchers are able to help point out certain points and sets of information that someone else (like myself) may not be familiar with.

This episode is a continuation of the recent work I’ve done on:

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Getting Ready for Human 2.0 |

Getting Ready for Human 2.0 |

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Unveiling the Chaos 2020 |

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DiscordBitchuteFacebookYoutube Live Stream 11-08-2020

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Hidden in Plain Sight | Live Stream


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Live Interview with Truth Conduit – Chris McMillon

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This interview was produced live on 12/02/2019.

In this video, I have an amazing conversation with a special guest, Chris McMillon of Truth Conduit. Chris and are both a part of AUTONOMY – a course of action to empower individuals to ignite their potential and pursue a path of freedom.

We opened up by getting some background on Chris. Why he’s doing the work he’s doing, and how his journey has been up to this point.

Other AUTONOMY members also joined the interview to contribute to the conversation. Thanks to everyone who joined!

Check out the Recent interviews Chris and I produced at the RedPill Expo in Mesquite, NV with Robert Scott Bell and G. Edward Griffin:

Red Pill Expo in Mesquite – Chris McMillon interview with Robert Scott Bell | AUTONOMY

Red Pill Expo in Mesquite – Chris McMillon interview with G. Edward Griffin | AUTONOMY

Also, check out the latest episode of the “Do it Live! AUTONOMY Podcast. As of this posting we are on episode 07:

Red Pill Expo in Mesquite – Chris McMillon interview with G. Edward Griffin | AUTONOMY


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MindsSteemitDtubeBitchuteFacebookYoutube – Live Update 12-01-2019

Live Update 12-01-2019 Slides

This video was produced live on 12/01/2019.

I last provided an update with where things are at on June 1st 2019. I wanted to create a video to give updates with recent projects and upcoming works. I also discussed my family and gave a personal look at our life and recent travels.


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The Rule of Crowdocracy – Part 3 of Falling Into Movement Traps

This video was produced live on 10/13/2019.

The Rule of Crowdocracy is the third in the series, Falling Into Movement Traps. In this episode, I discuss “groupthink” and the psychology of crowds.

The “Rule” is the fact that when groups of any number of people form under a set of ideas/ideals which motivate the group into action, there is a rule that there will be inherent errors in the accepted edicts of the group, movement, or cause. It doesn’t matter which political, philosophical, religious, spiritual, activist, or anarchist group that it is, they will always have these implicit issues which I discuss in the episode.

“Ignorant people remain ignorant because they have a secret agreement to call one another intelligent” – Vernon Howard

Democracy itself is just mob rule. It’s the rule of the crowd, even though this is just pretense but the crowd believes it to be true. Ultimately, “Democracy” (Fabian Socialism) is just another culdesac setup for the rats to feel they are progressing toward the ultimate cheese at the end of the maze.

Crowdocracy has certain rules and attributes which withstand all the movement in history and the present.

What we find is that the soulless beings in any group or collective are living the inauthentic life. The crowd will do its virtue-signaling, and the frontline will contain social justice warriors sent to protect the crowd’s baseless rules and moral claims. However, the individuals found within these movements can easily be discovered as being entirely inauthentic with even the most basic inventory of their thoughts and opinions.


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